Maiden Tears
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Going on a hike in the Carpathians, we recommend planning your walk so as not to pass by a unique object located in the resort town of Yaremche. This is a low, picturesque, full-flowing waterfall Maiden Tears, which will delight with its beauty, coolness and silence. It is based on a shallow bowl, which is ideal for bathing in the warm period. In addition to the visual beauty, near the waterfall you can enjoy the "music" of the tinkling currents, which sparkle unusually in the sun. The location is a favorite place for regular horseback riding and hiking tours.
Description of the waterfall Maiden Tears
Most Carpathian reservoirs are associated with various stories and legends. Some of them are shrouded in sad events and stories. According to one epic, the waterfall came from the tears of women who lost their husbands in battle. There is a legend that water is a powerful protection of people from evil spirits, enemies, bad deeds and evil. Probably that is why large settlements are always built near it. To date, the origin of the name Maiden Tears has not been established. Locals invite tourists to just go listen to the sound of the waterfall and find answers to such an unusual question.
The place is very beautiful and picturesque. What is worth only the appearance of the waterway, which gradually flows into the rocky cliffs covered with moss. Additional beauty to this picture is given by bizarre intertwining of tree roots, which visually create the effect of "holding" huge boulders from falling. We will add that it is possible to look at surrounding landscapes very long and to receive the real pleasure from it. The height of the single-stage waterfall, although only one and a half meters, but the object stands out against other similar locations due to its high water. This is due to the peculiarity of the river Zhonka, which is able to show its "furious" nature in the period of rain and snow.
Video from the Maiden Tears waterfall
Infrastructure and what to do?
Thanks to the cozy stretch, the waterfall is ideal for a comfortable summer vacation, picnic. You can refresh and cheer up in its waters. It is necessary to remember that together with a stream of water downwards small stones sometimes break off that it is necessary to consider, going to experience effect of a jacuzzi on itself. There are wooden gazebos and picnic areas next to the waterfall. The place is ideal for hiding from the rain that suddenly started, have a snack, relax after a long walk on the slopes of the Carpathians. We will add that visiting Maiden Tears is free if you go through the woods. You will have to pay for the entrance from the Carpathian NNP Aviary. A symbolic fee is also charged for the use of gazebos during the season.
You can stay overnight in one of the hotel complexes located in Yaremche. A good decision would be to choose the Vedmezha Hora hotel, located on the Hrushevskoho Street, 29. It is located in a picturesque corner, near the market, aviary. It offers standard, comfort, deluxe rooms. Catering is provided in the restaurant, which serves unique Hutsul cuisine. There is a swimming pool, parking, mini-zoo, games room. Guests are offered tours, horseback riding, quad biking.
A great alternative is Stanislavsky Hotel Group, located on Petrasha Street, 5, just 2.3 kilometers from the city center. The complex has conference rooms, hot dry bath, restaurant, playground, parking. There is internet, possibility to order food and drinks in the room. All apartments are equipped with a standard set of appliances, toiletries, furniture. More affordable accommodation at the Hotel Kraievyd, located on a small hill, thanks to which the windows of the rooms offer views of the mountains, nature and Yaremche.
Within 5-10 kilometers from the waterfall there is a number of decent restaurants, where you can spend time and have a good meal. One of the best options is "Vedmezha Hora", where there is a children's menu as well. There is always a menu on fire, fish, desserts, alcoholic and soft drinks. Offers in the restaurant "Zelenyi Hai" are not less interesting.
Maiden Tears Waterfall is located in a picturesque place, surrounded by old beeches, on the high Carpathian slopes. The easiest way to get there is from Yaremche, which can be reached by rail or road. For example, from Kyiv, this can be done by train to Rakhiv, with a change to Yaremche, by bus or car. On average, the road will take about 10-14 hours. From Yaremche, you will have to go first on an asphalt road, then on a concrete road, which smoothly turns into a dirt road. A few meters to the souvenir market, you need to turn to Hrushevskoho Street, cross the railway crossing and head in the direction of the Aviary. Then a marked path leads to the waterfall. It is quite easy to get to the destination with GPS coordinates of 48°26′46.22″ N 24°31′17.01″ E.
Location coordinates | 48°26′46.22″ N 24°31′17.01″ E |
Height | 1.8 meters |
Cafe/Shop | no, the nearest 3 km |
Approach by car | by SUV |
Congestion | low |
Additional entertainment | no |
Price | free if you go through the woods, for the entrance on the main trail an adult 30 UAH / children's 10 hryvnias |